A Blend of Eastern and Western Healing Practices.
Acupuncture addresses one's lifestyle as a whole, and treatments are intimately tailored to each individual's unique body and needs. Chinese Medicine takes a holistic view of the human body, using the body's own self-healing capabilities to bring itself back into balance. Acupuncture does this by affecting and modulating the body's homeostatic mechanisms—the circulation of blood and lymph, nerve impulses, respiration, and natural immune response—and releasing self-perpetuating muscle contractions called "trigger points". Studies have shown that acupuncture stimulates the release of various neurotransmitters that promote circulation, hormonal balance, and reduced inflammation.
Questions or Concerns?
Community vs. Private Acupuncture - Which One Is For Me?
Community Acupuncture is a good fit for those working on issues including: headaches, digestive complaints, stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and fibromyalgia.
Private Acupuncture* may be more appropriate for complicated orthopedic conditions, migraines, and fertility. Certain conditions require access to the back, abdomen or hips, which a private session affords.
Private sessions also allow for adjunct therapies such as Gua Sha/Graston/IASTM, Cupping, Electroacupuncture, Manual Work and more.
*To book a Private Acupuncture session, you must first have a First Time Acupuncture treatment that includes an in-depth consult before signing up for a Follow-Up Acupuncture treatment. A Community Acupuncture visit will not be sufficient to follow up with a Private Follow-Up Acupuncture session.
New Patient Private Acupuncture Visit
You and your acupuncturist will meet in a comfortable private treatment room to discuss your health history and concerns in depth. Pulse and tongue diagnosis as well as any pertinent orthopedic tests will be performed, followed by a full treatment and a no-pressure guide for care going forward.
Treatment may include one or more of the following:
Dry Needling / Trigger Point Acupuncture
Gua Sha
Balance Method/Tan/Tung Acupuncture
Neurofunctional Acupuncture
Sports Medicine Acupuncture
$150 - 90 Minutes
If you are in severe pain i.e. herniated discs, pinched nerves or nerve pain, we advise also booking a follow-up treatments within 2-3 days after your first treatment.
Other conditions: Please book three follow-up visits (one per week) as spots fill very quickly. Any unnecessary appointments can be easily canceled as per our cancellation policy.
Follow Up Treatments
Regular patients will meet with their practitioner in a private room to continue a treatment course or for an occasional wellness or maintenance visit.
$90 - 60 Minutes
What Ailments and Conditions Can Acupuncture Benefit?
Chronic Pain
Acute Injuries
Neck & Back Pain
Knee Pain
Carpal Tunnel
Tennis & Golfers Elbow
Plantar Fasciitis
Rotator Cuff Injury
Anxiety & Depression
Painful Periods
Menstrual Issues
Colds & Flus
Irritable Bladder
Sinus Congestion
Facial Pain
Dental Pain
Menopausal Symptoms / Hot Flashes
Morning Sickness
Reflux / Heartburn
Hypertension & more...
FAQs About Acupuncture
Needles - are they safe?
Our Acupuncturists are certified in Clean Needle Technique, and all of our sterile stainless steel needles are used once and then disposed. They are completely safe and hygienic.
Does it hurt?
The short answer is, not really. Acupuncture needles are much thinner, lighter, and less invasive than the large, hollow hypodermic needles that inject liquid under pressure into a vein or muscle. People receiving acupuncture often report that they don't feel the needles at all. At worst, the experience is similar to the quick, small pinch of a mosquito bite and immediately gives way to a sensation that we call "De Qi", which can feel like a dull pressure, warmth, or nothing at all. With the release of trigger points, you will likely feel a small twitch that signals that the trigger point has been released, which is almost always followed by immediate relief of symptoms. Most people find an acupuncture session to be mentally and physically relaxing, and some even nap during their treatment.
How should I prepare for my treatment?
The first visit is always the most important, as that is when you and the acupuncturist review your health history in detail. This takes time—30 to 40 minutes—so we encourage new patients to complete their online health history form well before their appointment starts.
We recommend that you eat a light meal at least an hour before treatment, are well-hydrated, and avoid caffeine two hours prior to the treatment if possible. Bring a list of your medications and supplements with you.
Dress in comfortable, loose clothing—workout shorts and t-shirts or tanks are best. Bras that unlatch are easier to work with than sports bras, as we commonly have to access the area of the back where the strap lies. It is common for the acupuncturist to access your lower legs and forearms for treatment. If access to hips, shoulders, back, or abdomen is required, we provide comfortable draping for your modesty and ours.
New patients are asked to complete a comprehensive health history form before arriving to their first appointment so that they may receive the full benefit of a private 90 minute session with the acupuncturist.
How Many Acupuncture Sessions Will I Need?
Your time is valuable, which is why your acupuncturist employs a one-on-one, focused, and multi-layered approach to treat you efficiently and effectively. While you will almost certainly gain some measure of relief in your first session, the recommended treatment time for an acute injury (recent stiff neck, ankle sprain, or a severe, multi-day headache) is 3-5 sessions—ideally, twice in the first and second weeks of treatment. It is important as well as efficient to treat new injuries quickly before they enter the chronic, maladaptive stage.
For chronic issues or injuries, a course of 10-12 treatments is reasonable and typically involves two sessions per week for the first two weeks with one session per week to follow. You didn't get unwell overnight, and it will take some time to retrain the nervous system and musculoskeletal system to accept a "new normal". Acupuncture has a cumulative effect, much like lifestyle changes in diet and exercise.
Treatments are ended when the patient has recovered to their satisfaction or may be ongoing to help maintain good health. Every body is different, and each individual's unique history and needs will decide his or her treatment plan.
What Should I Expect During Treatment?
During the first treatment, you and your acupuncturist will have an in-depth discussion regarding your health history intake form, then they will perform diagnostic and orthopedic tests to determine where to place needles to achieve optimum relief. Depending upon your condition and the treatment plan developed in this session, they may also perform a combination of Chinese Medicine techniques such as Gua Sha, Moxibustion, Cupping, or Auriculotherapy Medicine. Active treatment time with needles or cups in place is typically 15-30 minutes, after which the acupuncturist removes the needles and/or cups and answers any questions you may have. All treatments take place while resting on a comfortable treatment table in one of our cozy, private rooms. Patients receive a call button to allow them to quickly alert the acupuncturist for assistance, if needed.
Follow-up appointments include a general health discussion and review of your progress so that the acupuncturist can determine which treatment(s) to implement in that session. As in the initial session, follow-up appointments typically involve 15-30 minutes of active treatment with needles or cups as well as a combination of the Chinese Medicine techniques noted above.
We recommend that you refrain from excessive caffeine consumption before your appointment so you can relax more fully during your treatment. Please wear comfortable, loose clothing that provides easy access to your arms and legs.
What are Gua Sha, Moxibustion, and Cupping?
Gua sha, moxibustion, and cupping are all treatments involving implements other than needles. The acupuncturist will suggest their use depending upon your health needs.
Gua sha is similar to the long, gliding strokes used in massage, except instead of using their hands, the acupuncturist uses a variety of metal tools to manually "scrape" the skin. The skin is lubricated and slowly and firmly scraped with the gua sha tools to facilitate the circulation of blood throughout the body. Gua sha may result in some petechiae (tiny purple, red, or brown spots on the skin) and redness. Gua sha has a systemically anti-inflammatory effect and can help relieve symptoms from a number of conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease, anxiety, inflamed liver, and muscular pain.
Moxibustion is the practice of burning small sticks of moxa, or mugwort, near an inserted acupuncture needle. Moxa releases infrared heat which can relax tissue and positively influence the autonomic nervous system.
Cupping uses negative pressure to pull tissues up and away from the bone, which allows adhesed layers of fascia to separate and lubricate and fresh blood supply to flow to previously stagnated areas. Old injuries may still harbor deeply held areas of blood stagnation and/or sticky fascia. The fascia, which wraps all layers of body tissue including muscles, is meant to glide along. Inactivity, surgery, trauma, and emotional stress can cause layers to glue down to each other, leading to stiffness, pain, and decreased blood flow.
In a cupping treatment, the acupuncturist will place a series of thick glass, silicone and/or plastic suction cups on the skin of a patient's back, chest, and/or limbs. The acupuncturist can leave the cups in one location for a few minutes and/or move them around to affect the flow of blood. Though this treatment is pain-free, it may result in reddish, circle-shaped marks on the skin that may take a few days to fade. These marks are not bruises, as no capillaries are broken. They occur when cellular debris is lifted to the surface layer where it is effectively flushed out by the lymphatic system. Cupping is an incredibly effective technique to address upper and lower back pain.
What Is "Dry Needling," and is it Acupuncture?
Numerous health organizations, including the World Health Organization, classify dry needling as a subset of acupuncture. It involves locating and needling into trigger points for the purpose of eliciting a twitch response and release. Trigger points are hyper-irritable nodules of muscle fibers, often referred to as "knots". Pain at a trigger point results in a the release of inflammatory chemicals at nerve synapses that causes further contraction and pain, creating a self-perpetuating cycle. The referral patterns elicited by trigger points are very predictable and often occur outside of or distant from the trigger point itself. This explains how a trigger point in your upper back can cause a nagging temple headache. Acupuncturists understand these patterns and how certain symptoms can cause or be caused by trigger points. They also know how to resolve them.
When a trigger point is needled, you will likely feel a small twitch that signals the trigger point has been released. This feeling is almost always followed by immediate relief of symptoms. What were perpetually contracted muscle fibers are now more fully contractile and flexible. Blood flow is improved, and as neurogenic inflammation begins to resolve, pain is relieved and function is restored. Dry needling can be amazingly effective at resolving muscular pain, lack of flexibility, and weakness.
What is Electroacupuncture Medicine (EAM)?
During an Electroacupuncture session, a gentle electrical current flows at specific frequencies through acupuncture needle point(s) to release neurotransmitters, such as norepinephrine, serotonin, and beta-endorphins, among others. Treatment can be focused at specific spinal segments to elicit a change in the muscles, blood vessels, and organs serviced by the nerves at those segments. This therapy is highly effective in bringing about a parasympathetic response, which is known as the “rest and digest” state. We are meant to be in this parasympathetic state virtually all the time, except for short-lived responses to danger, in which our sympathetic, or “fight, flight or freeze” response engages. Modern life, with all of its vague and not so vague stresses and pressures, can often leave us feeling stuck in this danger-response. Left unchecked, this state will continue to deplete our neurotransmitters, starve capillary beds of blood flow, and can lead to many other visceral organ disorders, generalized anxiety, lack of concentration, and more.
Do You Take Insurance?
Currently, we are not in-network with any providers and do not accept insurance. However, clients with Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) cards may personally submit acupuncture receipts to their insurance companies for reimbursement, as acupuncture is an approved service.
“Highly recommend. I went to Amy for acupuncture treatments following surgery on my knee. Though I’d healed well, the residual trauma was keeping me from full range of motion and flexibility. Amy’s initial consult involved a wide range of questions about my body in general, drawing connections between day-to-day physical experiences in surprising and illuminating ways. I felt like she genuinely cared to know these tiny details; it was a quality conversation I’ve long wished to have with a PCP.
The treatments, of which I’ve had five, have been life-changing. Range of motion has returned, the traumatic-pain imprint has been almost removed, my levels of anxiety and restlessness have noticeably decreased, and general physical well-being has improved. I definitely feel Amy is aware of the underlying mental-emotional causes of pain and actively treats from that awareness. The speed and efficacy with which she works is impressive. You will learn a lot about the flow of energy in your body just by paying attention to how you feel during the treatments and in the days / weeks afterwards.
Everyone at Heal PGH are amazing! Amy and Corin are the acupuncturists I have had the pleasure of working with on my issues and they have been phenomenal in identifying my problems and coming up with a plan to address them and help me heal. ❤️👏
-Kim M.
Not just a spa, but also an orthopedic clinic in a relaxing and grounded environment. A perfect accompaniment to physical therapy. Prices are standard and reasonable; consider it an investment in yourself!”
-Josh B.
“This place is an absolute godsend. I started coming here for acupuncture after a recommended it. I was having relentless sciatica pain, and the treatment my doctor prescribed wasn't helping at all. Nothing was helping. After 4 sessions with Amy, I was completely pain free for the first time in months. In addition to treatments being effective, the online booking process is super easy, the staff are all very professional, kind, hospitable, and very Covid conscious, which I appreciate immensely. Today I switched it up and got a stress relief massage because I'm stressed af. The process involved a fragrant, peppermint infused head and neck massage on a heated bed, magnesium butter massage on my hands and feet with heated mittens and booties, and the whole thing topped off with weighted blankets, a weighted eye mask, and noise canceling headphones playing earth sounds. Believe me when I tell you that if it were appropriate, I would have slept for 8 hours after because it was so relaxing. They also sell an assortment of CBD products. I'm SO GLAD this place is in my neighborhood.”
- Danielle R.
“Amy is absolutely amazing. I had a few acupuncture sessions with her and she made such an incredible difference in my back pain. She takes her time to really get to know you and understand your problems. She is so kind and patient. Simply a wonderful experience, and I cannot wait to return!”
- Alyssa P.
It's hard to summarize something that is wonderful for others...I'll try. I've had significant back problems for 15 years after herniating discs in my back when I was 20. One acupuncture, needling and scraping treatment from Amy and I left the office with a back that felt totally normal for the first time in 15 years. I couldn't believe it - very thankful I gave this place a try. Now we are working on my torn hamstring and migraines - I am a believer. The staff is calm and confident - trustworthy and respectful. Highest marks all around.
-Damian M
Amy and the team are legitimately world class. I’ve received similar treatment in big cities and Amy is the best. My body functions much better after leaving here every time. Highly recommend for anyone who has a nagging mobility or pain issue.
-Mike T.
“I've gotten 2 massages done here (60 minutes and 90 minutes), and one Acupuncture session. The staff here is absolutely fantastic and every person I've interacted with has been wonderful. Scheduling is a breeze and can be done all online, and they're extremely careful with COVID precautions (patients must wash hands prior to massage, masks on, strong air purifiers in every room) My massages (a few months apart) were done to address some upper back pain. From start to finish, the staff did an excellent job listening to my issues, gaining an understanding of my history and what I've done for relief. They gave me pointers and exercises to follow to address the upper back pain for the future. The entire massage was something out of this world - having sore and tight muscles that have been causing problems for months to suddenly be addressed, stretched, massaged, is something else. I honestly don't know how they do it but to pinpoint specific muscle fibers and knead/stretch them, is amazing to say the least. Amy performed my acupuncture session. Walking in, I had no idea what to expect but she put my mind at ease by explaining the process and what acupuncture serves to achieve. Again, this was used to address some upper back pain/trouble sleeping at night. Like the massage therapists, she listened to my history, what I've tried, what my daily schedule looks like, what causes additional, less pain, etc. She started around my shoulders and then moved to my upper back. The process is very much a back and forth between you and the acupuncturist - they'll feel around for trigger points and you let them know when they've found one. Once one has been found, she'll use a very thin needle to address that point. The feeling of that happening is wild, in a good way, all it feels like is there's a bird over your trigger point flapping it's wings. The first couple she hit around my shoulder immediately dropped my pulled-forward shoulder back into place. I was sore the next day, as she mentioned would happen, but the next few days I noticed a definite improvement - much more reduced neck pain, the upper back feels less tense during the day, and my shoulder doesn't feel out of alignment! She provided me with a list of exercises to do throughout the day to also help strengthen my back muscles. If you've never had a professional massage done, or acupuncture, I absolutely cannot recommend it enough, but definitely make sure it's done by anyone at Pittsburgh Acupuncture and Massageworks! Everyone here is absolutely excellent and you can tell they take an immense about of pride in what they do and it definitely shows - they sincerely care about seeing you get better!”
-Naveen S.
“I go here for acupuncture. Amy is AMAZING! I am on my third session and I haven't felt this great in years. I am so incredibly thankful for their services. Life changing! I recommend this place to everyone. Extremely clean and sanitary especially during COVID. I literally count the days to my next session. They are helping with my constant migraines, muscle pain/tension, sinus pressure and my anxiety.”
- Lucie R.
Good Morning,
I know you are very busy so I'll be brief. I cannot thank you enough for yesterday's session. I have not had this kind of relief in MONTHS! After I got home yesterday, I had a bout with fatigue and crashed for several hours. When I got up I began self LDM and PT stretches. I had significantly less pain and more mobility in my head, neck and shoulders and these affects are lasting for me now. I cannot wail for my next appointment. Thank you X 1000!
Michael T.
Amy is so great and the space is so relaxing. If you're undecided about acupuncture, this is the place to try it out and fall in love with it.
-Lindsay B.
I have received excellent acupuncture and therapeutic massage treatments here. Each acupuncturist and massage therapist is incredibly well trained and attuned to my needs. This place is a gem!
-Carolyn F.
Amy was so detailed with my initial acupuncture appointment! She really took the time to pinpoint my issues, addressed them during my first session, and came up with a long-term treatment plan based on my health goals. Amy is knowledgeable, professional, and kind. Finding the right acupuncturist for you can be overwhelming to say the least—but Amy is by far the best. I am looking forward to incorporating acupuncture back into my routine, and can easily say that Heal Pgh offers the perfect approach—whether it’s your introduction to acupuncture, or you’re getting back into it. I was thoroughly impressed by Amy and Heal Pgh.
-Clare B.